Coordinator and Technical Associate’s Degree in Tourism.

Ministerial Decree 1462/06

Course length: 3 years
Monday to Friday, 8:10 am to 12:30 pm
University Articulation Agreements: Bachelor's Degree in Tourism Business Administration (UCEL)
Bachelor's Degree at Quilmes University (online programme)
Ingreso 2025
Próxima charla informativa 

Jueves 10 de agosto
Modalidad Presencial
Jueves 8 de agosto
Modalidad Online

Tourism as a business sector is absolutely key in fostering economic development worldwide. Therefore, our goal is to train professionals who will respond to the demands of ever-increasing tourism markets (in their capacity as managers at Travel and Tourism Companies and Agencies).
Moreover, Argentina’s Law No. 763/92 entitles graduates from Institutes endorsed by the Ministry of Education the right to set up and manage Travel Companies and Agencies

Job Prospects

» Setting up and managing travel agencies.

» Coordinating all kinds of journeys and trips.

» Working for travel agencies and airlines.

» Working for wholesale tour operators.

» Promoting and developing strategies for rural, ecological and cultural tourism.

Competitive advantages

» All degrees at IB have official approval and national validation.

» When it comes to the educational outlooks providing the rationale behind our programmes, theoretical contents are thoroughly developed and combined with a wide range of hands-on tasks, assignments and case studies.

» IB encourages teamwork development, professional practice and internships.

» IB favours any and all activities that improve academic work. Educational trips, specialists’ lectures, seminars and interaction with other courses allow students to experience both professional and work-related context.