Technical Associate’s Degree in Software Development

Ministerial Decree 02120/16

Course length: 3 years
Morning shift:
Tuesday to Friday, 8:10 am to 1:20 pm
Afternoon shift:
Lunes a jueves 15 a 19.50 hs
Course length: 3 years
Morning shift:
Tuesday to Friday, 8:10 am to 1:20 pm
Ingreso 2025
Próxima charla informativa 
Jueves 10 de agosto
Modalidad Presencial
Jueves 8 de agosto
Modalidad Online

This course focuses on training competent professionals in software development. IB graduates know how to program, design, build and maintain software systems using a wide array of innovative management tools. Our graduates’ expertise enables them to launch their own software startups or work for an already established company, on the premises or as freelancers.
IB developers excel at maintaining software and hardware components in information system departments, building and deploying internet and intranet apps, and setting up and managing networking technologies. They are also competent at providing academic advice for a wide range of specialisation courses, and carrying out research studies to improve already existing information system techniques and technology apps and develop new ones. Moreover, IB graduates are proficient at tackling software engineering projects by carefully assessing information systems and applications so as to improve them.

Job Prospects

» Launching software development startups.

» Maintaining software and hardware components.

» Building and deploying internet and intranet apps.

» Setting up and managing networking technologies.

» Providing academic advice for a wide range of specialisation courses.

» Performing research studies to improve already existing information system techniques and technology apps and develop new ones.

Competitive advantages

» All degrees at IB have official approval and national validation.

» When it comes to the educational outlooks providing the rationale behind our programmes, theoretical contents are thoroughly developed and combined with a wide range of hands-on tasks, assignments and case studies.

» IB encourages teamwork development, professional practice and internships.

» IB favours any and all activities that improve academic work. Educational trips, specialists’ lectures, seminars and interaction with other courses allow students to experience both professional and work-related context.